Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where do we go from here.....Up!

There is quite a bit of uncertainty in the world today and I think that fear has definitely got a stronghold on society. With my new venture Secure Technology Partners, I knew it would be challenging in this difficult economy, but I still feel very strongly that the savings that I can provide an organization, far out weights the expense for the new technology.

With that being my number one sales tactic, or shall I say motivator, to get people to speak with me, I am very surprised right now at the number of people who would rather sit still, than make any changes. Now is the time to be looking to new technologies that will provide not only a better level of service, but also a cost savings over the way that you are currently doing business.

I heard a story today of an old friend of mine up in the northeast. He sells a new type of furnace/heating system that auto repair shops would use. The concept is pretty simple, use the old motor oil from the oil changes to heat the building. It does sound a little bit environmentally unsound, however they have figured out how to make it be environmentally friendly. The saving with this system is very significant. In one auto dealer alone, the savings would be over $25,000 per month. It would seem that it would be an easy sell..... Not exactly.

Nobody, will move forward. We are like a herd of deer in the headlights waiting to get run over. This is not the same set of principles that this country was founded on, and certainly not the same set that made this country strong. I must say that it is time to get out of the funk and start living again. We, as individuals, cannot control what happens to the economy, but collectively, if we started to think positively that we can get out of this mess, we will.

We need spirit, and drive and passion, NOW! Let's look at what we are doing and if you answer NO to the question, "Am I doing the best that I can do", then it is time to make a change. Find something we do well in each project or assignment we are tasked to do and start there.

We are unstoppable with the right attitude. Let's get there and show the world how it's done!

Have a great Day!


  1. Jack,
    just read your blog about the American spirit and that we need to refocus on new technologies. Your right we do need a rethink things. The used oil furnance is actually very environmentally sound, The unit burns so hot in the heat chamber that it burns off all the impurities that are in used all.But still times are tough and people are blind anyway Good luck in your new venture.
    Steve Rivera

  2. Thanks Steve, Good to hear from you. Absolutely, though the question becomes, can we hang on long enough for the light to come on....
