Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Still taking Photos!

Well, I wanted to give a quick update. The show in Florida is winding down. This is the last week of the Winter Equestrian Festival. It has been a fun event, but you can see that the economy has taken a toll on the show. Still it was amazing to see the amount of people who work in the industry that still have work. It is a good thing!

Beezie Madden, who is one of the world top riders from New York (picture above), was one of the shows highlights. Many of the top riders from world have been present week in and week out.

Last Saturday Night was the end of the big money events. It was $400 K up for grabs. The winner took home about $180 K. Not bad for a night's....... (not really) work!

It has been fun to watch and see all these world class riders compete this past year. There have been many, outstanding photo op's, You can see some of the shots that I took this season on the Palm Beach Post Web Site.

Well, a few more days to go.... the last week, I guess you have to make hay when the sun shines!

1 comment:

  1. Jack ... great jumping photos taken during WEF! Hope you enjoyed the show!
